Part 2 of Netflix’s Mr. Iglesias dropped last month, and if you haven’t gotten a chance to binge-watch it yet, now might be a good time! The latest installment of the comedy series is not only hilarious but is a stepping point for some more memorable heartfelt moments, as we revisit the characters we have come to know and love. I don’t want to get into too much detail, because– spoilers— but prepare for a multi-layered installment!
One character we have become particularly fond of is Mikey Gutierrez, played by Fabrizio Guido. School has never been Mikey’s strong suit, but this time around we see him go on a journey of self discovery. This includes a budding romance! Guido, who plays the goofy, lovable Mikey chatted with FANDOMIZE about the new episodes, his goals for his next project, working on his art during the pandemic, and Mr. Iglesias’ strong message of love, kindness, and laughter.
MCKENZIE MORRELL: Tell us about the hit series Mr. Iglesias, and the character that you play. What’s something about Mikey that you admire?
FABRIZIO GUIDO: I love how special every moment is for Mikey, he’s always very present and meets everything with enthusiasm. Much like a puppy, Mikey doesn’t really think about the past or the future, the moment is what matters.
MM: If you could give Mikey any type of advice after spending all this time playing him, what kind of advice would you give him?
FG: I think Mikey would benefit from knowing that what makes him different is what makes him special, although he’s maturing a lot and overcoming obstacles with the help of his peers and Mr. Iglesias he continues to preserve that childishness, that special quality that’s the driving force of who he is. His life experience and view on life, again, is my favorite thing about him.
MM: Mr. Iglesias really takes an interest in these kids, they might be misfits but they each have their own talents. In real life, do you have any hidden talents that you can share with us?
FG: I think being a misfit is closely tied to discovering your own talents, I love that our show emphasizes that. I’ve always loved art; from a young age I’ve always carried a sketchbook around.
MM: Did you have any teachers or someone you looked up to that helped you through a rough/challenging time?
FG: Definitely, prior to being homeschooled I had really caring teachers. Once homeschooled my mom was very present, especially in those teenage years where things got challenging academically and personally.
MM: Most people know you from World War Z, what are three random facts that fans might not know about you?
FG: I love going for drives, I collect music, and I have a pet hamster named Bello Seinfeld Islander Spider-Man, whose name I keep adding onto.

MM: Mr. Iglesias is obviously a sitcom, and a great one at that. Any other genre of film/tv shows that you’d want to test your hand at? What’s the dream role as you grow with your craft.
FG: I’d love to take on a period piece, something in another era maybe set in a big city. The idea of research and learning about a character from a distant timeline excites me, not to mention the production aspect of bringing in period costumes, set design, cars, props, etc.
MM:What have you been doing lately to keep busy, do you have any other projects or passions you want to tell the readers about?
FG: I find myself having more time than usual these days due to the pandemic, I have a couple projects on hold because safety is our priority. This time has really allowed me to sink even more so into my own art, I spend time drawing and writing, which has been very fulfilling.
MM:I like to add my signature question into all of my interviews. If you were to construct a donut based on Mikey’s personality, what kind of donuts would it be and what toppings would be on it?
FG: I feel like a tres leches (three-milks) based dough, chocolate frosting with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream, a couple marshmallows and cinnamon graham crackers would be a Mikey Donut.
MM:Rapid question round… TikTok, love it or hate it?
FG: It brings joy so I love it!
MM: Favorite emoji to use in a conversation?
MM: Apple or Android?
FG: Apple
MM: Cabin in the woods, or shack on the beach?
FG: Shack on the beach
MM: Lastly, why should people watch Mr. Iglesias on Netflix? What makes it a binge-worthy show during these trying times.
FG: Mr. Iglesias carries a strong message about the power of love, kindness, and laughter. It’s got a beautiful cast who bring that message with such ease, it’s a must watch if you’re a fan of Gabe. It’s a heartfelt comedy that one can watch and feel good. It’s very inviting and I think it brings you into the Mr. Iglesias world, which gives a sense of connection and comfort with the characters, it’s topics, and stories, it’s very diverse and relatable. It’s really a love letter to comedy, culture and connection.