Lisa Linke talks ‘Bless this Mess’ two-part finale, self help and Suggestion Sundays

Photographer: Birdie Thompson @birds_eye_photo Hair and Makeup: Anna Milhouse @anna_milhouse

Lisa Linke keeps us laughing as Clara on Bless this Mess along with her ‘Go Help Yourself‘ podcast and her ‘Suggestion Sunday Show‘ on Instagram.

I love her (Clara) so much. She is blissfully unaware of the world going on and yet, at times, she just understands people perfectly. She really understands what’s happening on a level in the town because she’s kind of a snoop I think. But she also is just kind of blissfully unaware of how she comes off and I love that. She’s just 100 percent herself and that is such a gift and so fun to watch,” said Linke.

Bless this Mess wraps up season 2 with a two-part episode titled ‘Tornado Season.’

“It is a very satisfying culmination of the seasons, and it’s the writers that do a good job of tying up threads and bringing satisfactory endings and culminations of storylines and transformations and relationships and I loved both episodes so much,” said Linke. “I’m sure there are some special effects in these episodes that are cool and I think people who’ve been along for the ride are going to be really, really pleased.

Linke hints that there are going to be a couple of cliffhangers but that’s all she will say.

Linke says she loves her Bless this Mess castmates and is really grateful to get to work with them. During this quarantine period, she says she’s been facetiming with them, especially Nancy Lenehan who plays Deb. Nancy taught Linke how to knit.

Photographer: Birdie Thompson @birds_eye_photo
Hair & Makeup: Anna Milhouse @anna_milhouse

Outside of acting, Linke continues the comedy through her ‘Go Help Yourself’ podcast and her ‘Suggestion Sunday Show’ on Instagram.

“We’re still putting out two episodes a week for ‘Go Help Yourself.’ My friend (Misty Stinnett) and I, each week one of us reads a popular self-help book and presents it to the other, who acts as the audience, asking questions,” said Linke who says the podcast reaches over 100,000 people from 160 countries.”We’ve read, between us, over 70 books… Misty is a wonderful kind of positive person who really likes to find a nugget of usefulness in everything and I am too Midwestern. I don’t like anybody telling me what to do… So between the two of us, we kind of come out in the middle and we try to be really intersectional and acknowledge where these books are lacking and point out where they’re incredibly useful. It’s not in lieu of it, it’s definitely a supplement and it’s kind of like a preview for people to decide whether or not this book is for them.

In addition to her successful podcast, Linke will be celebrating the third anniversary of her ‘Suggestion Sunday Show.’

“Sundays at 12:30 PST, I live stream on Instagram and I improvise. I take suggestions from the comments section from the audience and I create 60-second character monologues. If I have a guest, I’ll do scenes. Sometimes I do interactive scenes with the audience throughout the comments, and it’s just a fun, free improv show,” Linke said adding that one day she felt fried and hopped on Instagram Live and hasn’t stopped. “I’m gonna keep doing this every week to just kind of stay fresh with my skills.

You can follow Lisa Linke on social media with her handle @itslinke.

Bless this Mess ‘Tornado Season: Part One’ airs tonight at 8:30 on ABC and ‘Part Two’ airs next Tuesday.