Right now, 2016 seems so far away since the first Suicide Squad movie came out. Joel Kinnaman sat down with Screen Rant and talked about his character in the upcoming James Gunn directed film.
Looking back on Rick Flag as a character, he was a lovesick soldier from the beginning until the end. Apparently, in The Suicide Squad, Joel Kinnaman explained he was able to ‘cut loose’ a lot more than in the previous film and was able to add more humor to the character. He also mentioned this film is precisely what James Gunn had in mind to be. I’m pretty excited about what James Gunn will do. He translated the outlaw group of the Marvel Universe to the screen perfectly.
Seeing that the teaser came out a few weeks, I would say I was impressed for sure. For one, the cast looks fantastic, the things that get blown up, and the amount of budget that must go into making this movie look huge. AND, they are bringing back familiar faces from the previous film, which I’m pleased with. Yes, I do mean Harley Quinn and Boomerang.
Not many more details were released. But we did see a teaser about the movie that came out on August 22nd, where Joel Kinnaman said that we shouldn’t get ‘attached.’ What does this mean?! Usually, when my mind hears that, it can only mean a prominent character might die (or disappear). I wouldn’t be surprised if it would be Rick Flag, as (if I remember correctly) Rick Flag disappears a few episodes into the comics.
I do have questions about the teaser that you can see below:
“These are your brothers and sisters for the next few days.”
Does this mean they start the story over? Or are they talking about the new recruitments into Task Force X?
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.