When we last spoke, I noted that Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time was said to have over 100+ levels. At the time, we figured this could be due to Cortex – and potentially others – having their own unique playable levels. Well fast forward to last week’s PlayStation: State of Play event and it turns out that we were not only correct; but also VASTLY underestimating what Toys For Bob – and as it turns out Beenox – had in store for us!
The trailer we go not only reminds us of the expanded platforming elements this game will add – rail grind, zip line, wall run, etc – but also gave us loads of new details about the Masks, additional playable characters and an entirely new mode called N. Verted mode. So let’s check out the trailer and break everything down afterwards!
New, Returning & Playable Characters:
As I mentioned in the last article, I am positively loving the art direction in this game. Toys for Bob’s signature art style shines as we get our first look at several returning villains. In the opening, we get to see both Uka-Uka and Doctor N. Tropy’s redesigns and – much like Dr Neo Cortex – they have a wonderful blend of looking both menacing and yet charming.
Though the most exciting character-related aspect in this trailer is just how many will be ‘playable’. As we learned last time, Coco will be a playable character and any level you tackle with Crash, you could tackle with her instead. Additionally, Louis Studdert, Producer for Toys For Bob also notes that Coco will have a much more prominent role in the story this time – which is very refreshing to hear!
Additionally, we again see that Dr Neo Cortex will be a playable character with levels of his own. Though since he plays far differently than our resident Bandicoots, his levels will have entirely different challenges for you to overcome as he transmutes enemies to build his own platforming path. But Cortex isn’t the only unique playable character as Dingodile, former Villain gone good, will also get sucked into this crazy dimensional mess!

The final piece of ‘character-related’ reveals we got was the name and ability of the 3rd Quantum Mask. Lani-Loli was the expressive blue mask who stole the show in the first trailer. In my initial article, I joked that his special power was breaking the 4th Wall. Though as it turns out, that wasn’t so far off as Lani-Loli is capable of phasing objects in/out of this dimension. There is a 4th mask name-dropped in this trailer; but we’ll have to wait to see what their ability is.
Reasons to Keep Playing – Unlockable Skins,Challenges & N. Verted Mode:
With some pre-orders of the game offering alternate skins, people started to wonder if there’d be other unlockable skins offered in-game. Well it turns out that Crash and Coco – and most likely the other playable characters as well – will have multiple alternate skins that can be unlocked by doing levels, completing challenges and earning gems. Though there’s bound to be a few earned from the brand new ‘N. Verted’ game mode!
N. Verted mode is a completely new way to play levels with new challenges. For example, some levels might be completely dark, and you need to hit certain items to reveal the path ahead. Others can have anything from shifted perspective to changes in the game speed. Some of these changes are so drastic, that it feels wrong to say this adds to a level’s “replayability” since they feel like completely new levels!

In order to make this happen, Toys For Bob actually brought in Beenox, the team who worked on Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. The team who ‘brought Spyro back’ working with the team who ‘brought back – and expanded upon – CTR’? I am getting more and more excited for Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time with each reveal!
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time will arrive on the PS4 and Xbox One on October 2nd!