We got to talk to Falk Hentschel, best known for playing Hawkman in in the Arrowverse shows “The Flash,” “Arrow” and “Legends of Tomorrow,” about his new film Swap Me, Baby and his passion for Indie filmmaking.
Falk was born in east Germany behind the iron curtain. After he and his family fled the country he was able to pursue his dream of becoming a story teller.
After some detouring that led Falk to become a professional backup dancer and choreographer, he finally landed in Los Angeles and got his first big break in Hollywood with Knight and Day, playing opposite Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.
From that point on Falk continued to work on blockbuster films like White House Down, Transcendence and most recently Oscar winner Robert Zemeckis’ Welcome to Marwen. He has also had the opportunity to appear on Emmy winning shows such as “Arrested Development,” “The Alienist,” “The Closer” and many more.
Despite fulfilling his childhood dreams and achieving his goals, Falk suffered from severe depression. In his search of purpose and fulfillment he was lead to the plant medicine Ayahuasca, an ancient medicine originating in the amazon.
This work opened up a whole new perspective for Falk and he decided to focus his efforts on producing and creating an environment for film makers that brings the focus back to story vs maximum profit. He founded the company Patronage Film together with Firestone heir Charlie Thiel. His biggest dream is to bring transparency, fairness and creativity back to the film industry.
Check out our interview below:
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